I like what Wit.ai is trying to do. I like that they are focussing on a hard problem, and I also think it’s an important problem for bot developers. Wit.ai does semantic parsing, and not much else. Semantic parsing is the task of turning natural language expressions into a machine readable form, in this case, “intents”, for example, the request “set the alarm for 6am” returns the following:
"confidence": 0.953,
"intent": "alarm_set",
"_text": "Set the alarm for 6am",
"entities": {
"datetime": [
"value": {
"from": "2018-02-14T06:00:00.000-08:00",
"to": "2018-02-14T07:00:00.000-08:00"
"on_off": [
"value": "on"
The result contains everything my bot needs to perform the user’s request. And it’s great when it works. Except it often doesn’t. It failed to understand these queries:
It does recognise:
Of course these are just random queries that popped into my head, and this is not a scientific evaluation, nor are they probably the type of queries that a real bot would have to deal with. I’m sure it would do really well with those. Maybe.
Fortunately, Wit.ai allows you to add your own training data for cases where it’s not working - in fact it’s set up so that the very fist thing you do is add some expressions to define your intent. By default, this training data is public (an “open app”) so it is shared with other bot developers to make the default behaviour of the system better. It is possible to make the data private, by going to settings, although this is discouraged in the interface by surrounding it with a big red button and “Danger Zone” warning.
It’s confusing to me that with all this training data from all the bot developers, the default performance is as bad as it is. I’m disappointed because it’s actually a great idea. Using all this data, together with some clever algorithms, they should be able to build an amazing semantic parser. But something seems to have gone wrong. What’s going on, Facebook? I know you have clever data scientists and natural language processing experts because I’ve seen them talk at conferences. Surely if you got a few of them together and implemented some state-of-the-art semantic parsing algorithms, this would be solved?
Wit.ai’s pricing model is entirely free. I assume the assumption for them is that the training data is more valuable than people actually paying for the service, but it concerns me that there is currently no business model behind it. Wit.ai was purchased by Facebook in 2015; the value for them is clearly in promoting and helping their bot ecosystem grow, so that they can become the WeChat of the west. However, with chatbots currently bringing in no revenue for Facebook, and a large chunk of Wit.ai’s functionality now incorporated into Messenger’s bot API, I would be concerned that the service will be discontinued at some point. Depend on it at your peril!